Independence and Nutrition for Seniors

Independence and

Nutrition for Seniors

So many seniors and adults with disabilities are struggling to get by and living with diminished quality of life due to limited mobility. Worldwide trends indicate an aging population worldwide and our agency wants to do more to bring awareness to this issue which is the epidemic of hunger amongst seniors in our communities!

For that reason, our team here at Vanderbeck Agency agency is raising support to Meals on Wheels America through our agency’s everyday operations and influence, including social mediaMeals on Wheels operate in local chapters with different partners and sponsers across the nation to deliver meals and groceries to seniors and thus helping them Live Well and Thrive!

Many seniors feel depressed due to the crippling realization that they aren’t as mobile as they once were. This severely impacts their emotional and physical well-being. By not having to worry about where their next meal will come from, The Meals on Wheels program restores their self esteem and independence.

Ready to help? Take the next step in giving back with us. Simply recommend your friends, family, or co-workers to us for a complementary insurance review, and we’ll donate $10 for every person! They only need to receive a quote, no obligation to buy!


To Make a Donation Directly CLICK HERE



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